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Appendix A: Error Messages

Sharity's errors are divided into classes depending on the source of the error message. The following classes are currently defined:
Errors of this class originate at the CIFS server. They usually indicate a failure due to bad parameters, insufficient permissions etc.
This error class is similar to the DOS class. It's up to the server to define which errors are of class DOS and which are of class SRV.
Errors of this class originate at the CIFS server, too. They usually indicate hardware errors.
This class contains errors originating at the Sharity framework on the local machine. These errors can usually not be attributed to a specific module.
This error class contains errors created locally by the CIFS module.
This error class contains errors originating at the local machine's operating system. The error message is a Unix error message. Please see your system's manual pages for details.

The GUI application gives a more verbose description for these error classes:

Error ClassGUI Description
DOSDOS error on server
HRDhard error on server
FRWlocal machine (framework)
LOClocal machine
UNIXlocal machine (Unix error message)

A.1 Errors in Class DOS

DOS: Bad Function
DOS: Bad File
DOS: Bad Path
DOS: File table overflow
DOS: Access denied:
If you get this error during login, the server rejected your password. If you try to login to a domain account, Windows NT sometimes gives this error although the password is correct. If that happens, the password may be expired or not valid now. If you recently changed it, the old password may still work.
DOS: Bad file descriptor
DOS: No memory
DOS: Bad memory
DOS: Bad environment
DOS: Bad format
DOS: Bad access
DOS: Bad data
DOS: Bad drive
DOS: remcd
DOS: Different device
DOS: No more files
DOS: Bad share
DOS: Operation would block
DOS: Share not exported by server
DOS: File exists
DOS: Disk is full
DOS: Directory not empty
DOS: error 87
DOS: error 183: destination exists

A.2 Errors in Class SRV

SRV: General error
SRV: Bad password:
If you get this error during login, the server rejected your password. See error DOS: Access denied for more information.
SRV: Access denied:
If you get this error during login, the server rejected your password. See error DOS: Access denied for more information.
SRV: Invalid NID
SRV: Invalid netname
SRV: Invalid device
SRV: Queue full
SRV: Queue too big
SRV: Queue at EOF
SRV: Invalid PFID
SRV: SMB cmd
SRV: Server error
SRV: File specs
SRV: Bad permits
SRV: Set attributes mode
SRV: Paused
SRV: Message off
SRV: No room
SRV: rmuns
SRV: Timeout
SRV: No resource
SRV: Too many users
SRV: Bad user-ID
SRV: Use multiplexed
SRV: Use standard
SRV: Continue multiplexed
SRV: The password of this user has expired:
You have to log on at the server and change your password because it has expired.
SRV: Not supported

A.3 Errors in Class HRD

HRD: No write
HRD: Bad unit
HRD: Not ready
HRD: Bad command
HRD: Data
HRD: Bad request
HRD: Seek
HRD: Bad media
HRD: Bad sector
HRD: No paper in printer
HRD: Write
HRD: Read
HRD: General
HRD: Bad share
HRD: Operation would block
HRD: Wrong disk
HRD: FCB unavailable
HRD: Share buffer exceeded

A.4 Errors in Class FRW

FRW: Module not found:
A module specified by name could not be found. If you had to type a module name, check the spelling.
FRW: Module type mismatch:
The module you specified has the wrong type. You must specify a backend module for the backend and a frontend module for the frontend.
FRW: Mountpoint already in use:
The path you gave for the mountpoint is already mounted by Sharity. You can't over-mount a Sharity mount with an other Sharity mount.
FRW: Internal error: IPC parameters:
One of the user interface programs created illegal parameters.
FRW: Internal error: IPC protocol version:
There's a protocol mismatch between the user interface program and the daemon. You MUST use a consistent installation with user interface and daemon from the same version.
FRW: Internal error: Out of Memory:
Sharity has not been able to allocate enough memory. You should probably increase the size of your swap area. Sharity may get into troubles when it can't allocate enough memory if it needs some. You should restart the daemon if you get this error.
FRW: Internal error: Referenced GUI object not found:
The user interface tried to reference an object (such as a server, a login or whatever) which is not known to the daemon. You should probably restart the user interface because there's obviously a status mismatch.
FRW: Internal error: Referenced GUI method not found:
The user interface tried to execute a function which is not available in the daemon. This must be a programming error. Please send a bugreport to Objective Development.
FRW: You don't have permissions to unmount:
You tried to unmount a mount which was mounted by somebody else. Only the owner of a mount and root can unmount it.
FRW: Internal error: Communication with UI client:
It's very unlilely that you ever see this message. It indicates that the user interface (which displays error messages to you) terminated or crashed.
FRW: Path not mounted:
The mountpoint which you tried to unmount is not mounted by Sharity. If you think it should be, please check your spelling or look at the mountpoint listing created by cifslist
FRW: Not owner of mount, operation denied:
You tried to store a mount or delete a stored mount that belongs to somebody else. You may only manipulate mountpoints which you have mounted yourself. Only root may manipulate all mounts.
FRW: Operation denied because mount was done by automounter:
You tried to store an automounted mountpoint. This operation is forbidden because it's not useful.
FRW: Internal error: IPC function not implemented:
This error message indicates a programming error. Please send a bugreport to Objective Development if it occurs.
FRW: Abort by user:
An operation (e.g. a login) which needed more information from the user could not succeed because the user did not provide that information.
FRW: You are not authorized to perform this operation:
You tried to add or remove a server or browser from a list or to set the license, but you are not root and changing the configuration has not been allowed for non-root users. Run the GUI application as root and change the configuration as desired or allow non-root users to change the configuration.
FRW: Mount point does not exist:
You attempted a mount, but the mount point directory does not exist. Create the directory before you mount.
FRW: Manipulating stored mounts and passwords is disabled:
You tried to store or delete a stored mount or a login, but the administrator has disabled this feature. Storing is controlled from configuration section , setting Users may store Passwords and Mounts.
FRW: You are not owner of the mount point:
You tried to mount on a directory which you don't own. You must own the mount point or you must be root in order to mount.

A.5 Errors in Class LOC

LOC: Connection lost:
The connection to the CIFS server was lost, probably due to a network problem.
LOC: Timeout:
An operation did not proceed within the time limit, probably due to a network problem.
LOC: Bogus data received:
The CIFS server sent data which could not be interpreted according to the specification.
LOC: Stale NFS handle:
A file has been accessed which does not exist any more. The file may have been deleted from the server.
LOC: Server can't encrypt passwords, use option to override:
The server can't use CIFS password encryption. Sharity does not allow unencrypted passwords by default (for security reasons). If you need to interoperate with this server, you can allow sending the password unencrypted with an option.
LOC: Netbios name lookup failure:
The netbios name has not been found. Either the named host does not exist or you have not configured the WINS setting correctly.
LOC: License exceeded, too many clients:
You are trying to use Sharity on more clients than the license allows. You should upgrade to a bigger license or shut down Sharity on other clients. If you want to know where the other licenses are running, type cifslicense -ll in a terminal window to see the license utilization. It may take several minutes until a change in the license utilization propagates to all clients.
LOC: License exceeded, too many servers:
You are trying to mount more servers than the license allows. Servers are counted network wide, not per client. To see which servers are mounted by which client, type cifslicense -ll in a terminal window to see the license utilization. It may take several minutes until a change in the license utilization propagates to all clients.
LOC: License string is invalid:
The license you entered is either not a valid license string or it's an expired time-limited license.
LOC: Can't set license when servers are connected:
Due to the inner workings of the licensing scheme, the license can only be set when no server is connected. Unmount all shares and log out all users before you set the license. If this does not work, delete all stored mounts and logins and restart Sharity.
LOC: Pass Phrase not accepted:
The pass phrase you entered was not correct.
LOC: Server requires Pass Phrase:
You need a pass phrase in order to connect to this SSL CIFS server, because your private SSL key is encrypted.
LOC: Netbios session refused:
The server rejected the Netbios connection. A possible reason is that the server name you used does not match the server's netbios name. The server's event log should provide more information.
LOC: This Sharity has been compiled without SSL support:
You are using a Sharity version without SSL support, but the server (or an option) requires SSL.
LOC: Server can't use SSL encryption:
You set an option to require encrypted SSL data transport, but the server can't do SSL.
LOC: An SSL error occured, see the syslog for details:
The SSLeay library, which is responsible for the encryption, reported an error. Details can be found in your syslog. The path of the syslog file depends on your system's configuration. See the configuration file /etc/syslog.conf and the related manual page if you can't find your syslog.
LOC: The browser's mount path does not exist:
Browsers need a private directory where they can automatically mount shares. This directory is not automatically created on demand (although the share mountpoints inside it are). If it does not exist, this error is given.
LOC: No browser configuration with the given name found:
You have tried to mount a browser which is not configured. Compare your spelling with the list of browsers in the GUI or in the configuration file.
LOC: You are not owner of the login:
You have tried to log out an other user or to store or delete an other user's login. Only root is allowed to manipulate other users' logins.
LOC: Server requests SSL:
The server requires a secure connection (SSL), but your Sharity is compiled without SSL support.
LOC: Server not connected:
You tried to log out from a server which has no active connections within Sharity. Check the spelling of the server and view the current logins with cifslist.
LOC: User not logged in:
You tried to log out from a server where you are not logged in.
LOC: No share name specified:
The login process needed a share name to log in because the server is in share-level security mode, but you did not supply a share name.

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Sharity Manual 2.9 Beta 7 | Copyright (C) 2004 OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH |