Manual Page for mount
SHARITY MOUNT(1)           Sharity User's Manual

    sharity mount - Mount with arbitrary front- and backend modules.

    sharity mount <frontend> <mountpoint> <backend> <be-path> [<options>]

    The mount command mounts the backend path <be-path>, which is to
    be interpreted in the context of the backend module, at the
    mountpoint <mountpoint> using the specified frontend module. Valid
    options are:

    -h   print short help and exit
    -r   mount read-only
    -f   mount in fake-mode (without interaction with the backend)

    To mount a CIFS browser (which has the name "WorkgroupBrowser") at
    the mountpoint /WORKGROUP, you would issue the following command:

        sharity mount nfs2 /WORKGROUP cifsBrowse WorkgroupBrowser
    The mountpoint must exist prior to mounting.